Pressing Pause
This will be our last post on this website and on social media for a while. Time is our most precious commodity and COVID and the effects of COVID are consuming so much time that we’ve made a conscious decision to focus on what matters; our clients. As many of our clients know, we have […]
Unfortunately the Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd ‘great unlocking’ has had some unintended consequences as 30% of our independent financial advisers and 50% of our primary administration team have become obliged to self-isolate following NHS COVID 19 app “ping” notifications. As of Monday 26th July, our Head Office at Ransom Hall will not be attended […]
COVID Secure Meetings
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 12th July confirming “Freedom Day” and having had the opportunity to review the proposed guidance and rules published by the governments of the three nations, we’re excitedly looking forward to being able to meet with clients face-to-face from Monday 19th July. However, having consulted all of the available […]
Freedom Day?
Yesterday the Prime Minister announced the intent for Step 4 of the easing of lockdown restrictions to be decided on 12th July, and if a positive decision, to take effect from 19th July, referred to in the press of “Freedom Day”. At the time of writing (6th July), it seems highly probable that our business […]
Crypto Savings Rates
The Independent has reported that an individual claiming to represent the Anonymous hacking collective has accused billionaire Tesla owner Elon Musk of having liquidated dreams and “destroyed lives” with his tweets about cryptocurrencies. We are not in a position to offer a view as to the accuracy of this assertion, but we are very aware […]
What is cashflow planning?
What is cashflow planning? Cashflow planning is the process of looking at your current financial situation and planning ahead for the future. So whether you’re looking to retire early, take that once in a lifetime holiday, help children through education or even purchase a house in the country, cashflow planning will help you make informed […]
Reserves Day 2021

Investment & Retirement Solutions are proud of our Armed Forces Covenant and our Defence Employers Bronze Award, but most of all we’re proud to support Reserves Day 2021. Reserves Day is a chance to recognise and appreciate the integral part that Reservists play in the UK’s Defence capability. In 2021, Reserves Day will be celebrated […]
Happy Fathers Day
Every year, special days expose frayed emotions for families for whom the special day will never be the same. This year, more than most, Father’s Day will serve as a grim and painful reminder to the thousands of families who’ve lost fathers, sons, and brothers over the last 12 months. Their grief will be magnified […]
Live & Let Live
One of our core ethical beliefs is that equality is a fundamental human right that everyone in the world deserves. We interpret the idiom “live and let live” to mean to take charge of and take responsibility for your life (and your business) by both defining and peacefully pursuing your own happiness while honouring the equal rights of […]
Old Mutual name change

Clients who hold Old Mutual solutions will notice a change of name today as Old Mutual becomes “Quilter” This name change has been three years in the making, starting when Old Mutual Wealth’s parent company changed name to Quilter plc when it demerged from Old Mutual Wealth plc in June 2018. Over the last few […]
Getting Jabbed
Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are delighted to report that every member of our team has now received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and that some have received their second dose. We are hoping to exploit the summer months for outside meetings whilst our understanding of the “new normal” develops. We take our […]
Second Opinion Service
We take advice when we know we lack the experience, competence or knowledge to make wise decisions ourselves. But how do we evaluate the quality of the advice we’re being given? Investment & Retirement Solutions Second Opinion Service: The extra set of eyes. We think our extra set of eyes service should be like the relationship […]
Can’t Pay? They’ll Take It Away
A little over a year ago, the Chancellor COVID loans (fixed rate Bounce Back Loans and variable interest Covid Business Interruption Business Loans) promised competitive interest rates and no repayments for the first 12 months. The first of the debts are now due to receive at least interest repayments, but more likely also capital repayments. […]
Reduced ‘Phone Cover Next Week
As many of our clients and professional connections know, some of our team have been working very long hours for seven days a week since the first lockdown – yes over twelve months of seven day weeks. Therefore we’re imposing some mandatory downtime for next week (w/c Bank Holiday Monday 31 May) to coincide with […]
Our Six Appeal
We love a play on words, but sadly can’t take all the credit for highlighting our six appeal, our friends at Vanguard Europe provided the inspiration for this post, but more importantly, for the title. The mission of Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd is to do our very best to help our clients achieve their […]
Do they pay out?
As the Prime Minister’s lockdown road map creeps towards fruition we enter ‘reporting season’ in which the big insurers provide a performance update. The UK’s largest insurer is Aviva, which has reported that they paid out over £1billion of sums assured across more than 50,000 individual protection policyholders and their families during 2020. Of this […]
The Queen’s Speech
As financial planners, it’s important that we have a finely tuned radar that constantly sweeps the horizon for opportunities and threats to our clients financial well-being. Today’s Queen’s Speech whilst lacking the usual pomp and circumstance still provides some useful insight into likely future government policy: IMPROVING RIGHTS FOR RENTERS (Decreasing benefits for landlords?) The […]
Tokyo Stock Exchange
It’s nearly that time of the year where our Japanese friends enjoy their “Golden Week” holiday from 30 April until 5th May. Consequently, the Tokyo Stock Exchange will be closed from 30th April to 5th May (inclusive). The last dealing day for Japanese Equity funds will therefore be 29 April. As usual, fund groups are […]
Will your pension last?
Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) has published a “Class of 2021” report, based on a survey of 2000 adults who plan to retire within 12 months. SLA found that almost two in five (37%) of people who are close to retirement have accelerated retirement due to the coronavirus pandemic, but worryingly also identified that two thirds […]
Earth Day 2021
Earth Day is a global annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by This Earth Day we’ve been deluged with various announcements from different world leaders about their new environmental targets, one can’t but […]