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One of our core ethical beliefs is that equality is a fundamental human right that everyone in the world deserves.

We interpret the idiom “live and let live”  to mean to take charge of and take responsibility for your life (and your business) by both defining and peacefully pursuing your own happiness while honouring the equal rights of other competent adults to do the same. 

Pride Month is celebrated every June as a tribute and in recognition of those involved in the Stonewall Inn riots in New York’s Greenwich Village on 28th June 1969. Pride Month is about people coming together in love and friendship, to show how far gay rights have come, even if in some places there’s still some work to be done.

It’s also about teaching tolerance, education in pride history and continuing to move forward inequality.


Members of our team are required to complete an annual refresher of the Equality Act and successfully be tested on that knowledge.

We were delighted to see our friend and competitor financial planner, Stuart Anthony, make the headlines on Five News, recognising his work as Captain of the Grace Cricket Club, the world’s first dedicated LGBTQ Cricket Club. We’ve included Stu’s moment of fame below:

We wish Stu, the Grace Cricket Club and all those celebrating a happy and peaceful Pride 2021

More To Explore:


Pressing Pause

This will be our last post on this website and on social media for a while.  Time is our most precious commodity and COVID and



Unfortunately the Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd ‘great unlocking’ has had some unintended consequences as 30% of our independent financial advisers and 50% of our


Our posts are intended as financial education and financial information, not as financial advice, and are only suitable for UK residents. Always take professional, independent advice before acting on any information.

Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd is authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

The value of investments and income from them can fluctuate (this may partially be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate taxation and trust advice, will writing, advice on deposit accounts, some types of offshore investment, some aspects of buy to let mortgages, commercial finance or offshore mortgages.

Levels, bases of and reliefs from taxation may be subject to change and their value depends on the individual circumstances of the investor. Unless specifically stated otherwise, our posts do not allow for the additional taxation powers which may be levied by the devolved governments.

All information is offered in good faith and is believed to be correct at the time of publication however it may be superseded following publication. E. & O. E.

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