Leicester Lockdown
As Leicester and Leicestershire go into our first large-scale local lockdown, we thought we’d shout “hi” to all our clients and a key member of our team, who are going to be affected. Whilst we can’t do anything about lockdown, remember we’re here to support you via the phone or video conference. If you have […]
The Summer Statement
Chancellor Rishi Sunak is due to deliver his summer statement next week. Economists from both sides of the political spectrum seem to share a consensus of respect for the Chancellor, who, new-to-post, endured a baptism of fire dealing the unique fiscal circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic. So what might we expect? Our original expectation was […]
How coronavirus might burst the tech bubble
A handful of technology companies have benefited from coronavirus. Amazon has profited handsomely, as have streaming and video conferencing platforms like Netflix and Zoom. But the pandemic has laid bare the shaky foundations of a number of other platforms that bill themselves as technology companies and have enjoyed the high valuations that come with this label. […]
Nothing as safe as bricks n mortar..?
Our bias against direct investment into property funds based on independent financial adviser recommendation, other than for clients who can afford an extended long term property position remains in place. Back in 2007, a long standing but uncharacteristic property fund bull run started to unwind as professional investors realised that the ‘old rule’ of property […]
Norton motorcycles pension scheme
Investment & Retirement Solutions Chartered Financial Planner Paul Corner has moonlighted for many years as an adviser to The Pensions Advisory Service and to The Pensions Ombudsman, helping to unravel and hopefully resolve complex pension disputes. Paul’s caseload predominantly involves SIPPs (Self Invested Personal Pensions) and SSAS (Small Self Administered Schemes); however, yesterday (24 June […]
WHO Mr Bean

We wouldn’t usually host material from other organisations on our website, but the World Health Organisation is just “another organisation.” Whilst the following messaging is serious, rather than the usual doom and gloom, we appreciate Mr Bean as the delivery agent. Released yesterday, the World Health Organisation say ” With cases of COVID-19 continuing to […]
Our Registered Office

The origins of Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are found embedded along the North Wales coast. We remain totally committed to our roots, and more importantly our amazing clients from Chester to Holyhead (and all points in between). However, the reality is that most of our team and most of our clients are to be […]
Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day 2020 falls on Saturday 27th June. What’s it about? Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets. There are many ways for people, communities and organisations across the […]
Happy Fathers Day
Every year, special days expose frayed emotions for families for whom the special day will never be the same. This year, more than most, Father’s Day will serve as a grim and painful reminder to the thousands of families who’ve lost fathers, sons, and brothers over the last 12 months. Their grief will be magnified […]
Record UK borrowing
For the first time in 57 years, UK government borrowing (the national debt) exceeds the national gross domestic product (GDP) having reached a high of over £103,000,000,000, some 100.9% of UK GDP. Government statisticians predict that public sector borrowing hit £55.3billion in May, almost nine times more than in May 2019 and the highest level […]
COVID update: “COVID Secure”

In accordance with government guidance (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19) we have revised and updated our “COVID Secure” policies. For now, we are continuing our policy of NOT receiving visitors in any of our office locations. Visits to meet clients at their home or work premises remain suspended with all meetings being conducted via video-conferencing or by telephone. We […]

We’re offline today, but available on the telephone for anything urgent. Back tomorrow as usual
Sino-American relations in trouble (again)
Relations between the US and China deteriorated further during May as the US blamed China and the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the pandemic. The US Senate passed the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, in which US-traded issues are required to surrender their listings on US exchanges if they do not comply with US audits, […]
It’s a Boy!
Some of our clients will recall Simon, a Derby based IFA, turned North East Lincolnshire Fire Fighter. We’re delighted to share Simon’s news of the arrival of baby Joshua! Joshua made his debut at 22.35 last night (21st May), weighing in at a commendable 10lbs 13oz. Despite a few more trips to hospital in recent […]
UK borrows at negative rates
Today, the UK government has sold a bond (government gilt) with a negative yield. What does this mean? It means that the government is being paid to look after investors money, whilst the investors have agreed to get back a little less than they have lent to the government! Japan, Germany and some other European […]
Emergency Financial Advice has more press coverage

Great write up in whatinvestment.co.uk about the Emergency Financial Advice initiative of which we’re proud to be a founder member. Read the article here from our link below and then get in touch with us if you’d like to know more.
COVID update – VE DAY

VE DAY +75 To provide greater access during the COVID lockdown, we’re manning our ‘phones and video-chat facilities until late afternoon today, the VE DAY 75 bank holiday
VE Day +75

We presume every UK family will have been touched by the impact of WW2 to some extent. On the 75th anniversary of the cessation of hostilities in Europe, Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd, a proud Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award recipient, remembers
Inflation or deflation?
Many of our clients will know that our own Paul C has moonlighted as a part-time university lecturer for very many years, and in a moment of either very low educational standards, or extreme generosity, he even shared a national award for his teaching of personal finance and personal investment. Over the years Paul has […]
Expert help in difficult times – Emergency Financial Advice

If you are over the age of 50 and concerned or anxious about your pension or other aspects of your personal finances because of the coronavirus crises you should speak to a financial adviser. We are offering a free initial discussion with a regulated financial adviser. Book a call now at http://investretire.uk/pc-appt WHAT IS EMERGENCY […]