This evening the Prime Minister has announced a national lockdown commencing on Thursday 5th November.
At the time of writing our situation is:
Head Office – Regional Tier 3 (Very High Alert) status
Administration Centre – Regional Tier 2 (High Alert) status – moving into Regional Tier 3 (Very High Alert Status) on Monday 2nd November
North Wales office – Welsh Government “firebreak” lockdown until 9th November
Central belt offices – Scottish Government COVID Protection Level 3
Whilst the situation across our physical locations is somewhat concerning, we’d like to reassure our clients that with our digital office we’re still able (and want) to continue to support our existing and prospective clients by telephone and video conferencing.
(We’re currently able to support: Google Hangouts, Google Meet, Microsoft Skype, Microsoft Teams and Zoom for video conferencing.)
To comply with devolved and national guidelines, physical meetings remain suspended (other than in the most exceptional cases) until further notice.
Whilst secure email is preferable, we do not envisage any problems processing post at either Ransom Hall or our Administration Centre, however, we would remind all interested parties to not send post to any of our affiliated offices in Wales or Scotland for the foreseeable future.
Whilst our team continues to work hard and our digital office remains very resilient, as financial intermediaries, we are very dependent on the timely and accurate provision of information from investment and financial product providers. Whilst many providers have made significant improvements to the delays we experienced during lockdown#1, we have still been some distance from “business as usual”; it seems unlikely that lockdown#2 will improve the situation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries.