coronavirus financial concerns
Aegon research highlights financial concerns over coronavirus Aegon has launched a tracker survey to better understand how savers and investors are behaving as a result of the coronavirus and the ensuing market volatility. The survey* of more than 1,100 consumers, conducted at the end of March, shows that the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is […]
Happy Easter
OK, so we’re all working from home, but as it has been rather hectic and very unusual few weeks we’re going to treat ourselves to a long weekend to recharge our batteries. We’ll be back on Tuesday ready to help our clients. Until then, #HappyEaster and remember to #StayHome #ProtectTheNHS
Happy New Tax Year
There is a lot of doom around at the moment, but, even though we’re working from home, we thought we’d remind everyone that today is the beginning of the new tax year and the exciting opportunities that brings to your financial planning. Don’t leave things until the last minute, get in touch now!
COVID Update 6 April

Due to COVID-19 our offices are closed and we are not conducting physical meetings with clients. However, we still here, working from home, conducting client meetings by telephone and video conference. Contact us for more details.
Clapping for all heros
We’re proud to be an Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award holder, so we were not surprised to receive our letter from Major General Brooks-Ward yesterday confirming the Mobilisation of Reserves to help during the COVID19 crises. Yes, we are CLAPPING FOR #ThankYouNHS today, but we’re specifically thinking of our retired practitioner clients who have returned […]
Property fund suspensions..?
M&G’s property funds have been suspended since December last year, and this month some £12.8billion of investor’s money has been frozen across various other property funds. Why is this? To increase consumer protection, the city regulator, The Financial Conduct Authority, introduced a rule last year which required property funds to automatically suspend additional contributions and […]
We’re working through coronavirus
Extreme market volatility and the anxieties of the coronavirus COVID-19 create the perfect storm during which current and future clients need the support of trusted, Independent Financial Advisers. Our business resilience plan is now in operation and we aim to maintain our response times and service levels during these challenging times when our clients need […]
COVID19 update

We believe it is only a matter of time, rather than if, the UK enters some form of lockdown to reduce the growth in the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. Many of our clients are “vulnerable” and we’ve already received news of the first confirmed client case of COVID19 (get well soon!!). We’ve therefore decided to […]
Worried about coronavirus or climate change?
With increasing public concern about the transmission (spreading) of covid19 coronavirus and heightened awareness of the global climate crises we thought we’d remind current and prospective clients that we’re happy to ‘meet’ in the virtual world using an assortment of video conferencing tools which allow live sharing of documents and whist also being to look […]
Retirement, the great adventure?
Quality financial planning can guide you along the path so your retirement is the beginning of a great adventure. However, The Schroders 2018 Global Investor Study found that there is a significant gap between people’s retirement expectations and the financial realities of retirement. Schroders found that people expect their basic living expenses to absorb 38% […]
measure, take profit, cut losses, reinvest

Our Ransom Hall head office is located in Ransom Wood, part of historic Sherwood Forest. A perk of working here is the ability to step out of the office straight into nature which we’ve done today. We took this photo a little deeper in #sherwoodforest, an area called #sherwoodpines. These trees weren’t felled last week […]
Can they afford for you die without a will?
Last Thursday [7th February 2020] a change in English & Welsh intestacy law (the rules about what happens if you don’t have a valid will) came into force; the first significant change since 2014. Having correctly structured wills (and Lasting Powers of Attorney) is an essential component of your financial planning. The changes on Thursday […]
Your savings, investments and pensions CAN make a difference for a better world
Everyday #savings, #investments and #pensions CAN make a difference: The UK government (@DFID_UK) “Investing in a Better World” survey sampled a nationally representative sample of 6,000 people to find out more about the UK’s interest in investing in ways which also achieve the @GlobalGoalsUN 17 sustainable development goals and found the majority of UK consumers […]
We’re back on Twitter

After last week’s launch of our Instagram presence ( we thought it was time to dust off our twitter account, please follow us – we’ll start publishing useful stuff across all of our online assets within the next few weeks.
We’re on Instagram

Events within the Royal household over the last few weeks have drawn our attention to the rapid growth in Instagram as a communication tool. So, we thought we’d join in and give Instagram a go ourselves. We hope you find this useful. Check us out at
When we should use an independent financial adviser – the Money Advice Service

This week we’re sharing a video by Jackie Spencer at the Money Advice Service which explains in plain language the times when we should use a regulated independent financial adviser, such as Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd.
The value of financial advice: evidence

The value of financial advice: The International Longevity Centre have published an update to their acclaimed analysis of the financial and non-financial benefits of regular consumers engaging with regulated independent financial advice. Over the coming weeks we’ll share extracts from the report, but if you can’t wait Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are pleased to […]
Happy New Year
We hope all of our clients and professional connections have enjoyed the Christmas break. We’d like to wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous 2020.
New Year, New Look

Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd celebrated it’s 10th birthday earlier this year. As we approach a new year and our next decade it seemed appropriate to refresh our brand. This logo is sneaky preview of our new brand language, devised by our very own Paul C, Joanne and lots of input from @andypeatdesign
Disability Confident

Disability Confident is creating a movement of change, encouraging employers to think differently about disability and take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop disabled people. Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are delighted to confirm that the Department of Work & Pension have confirmed our ‘Disability Confident – Committed’ status [certificate number DCS018566]; […]