Happy Fathers Day
Every year, special days expose frayed emotions for families for whom the special day will never be the same. This year, more than most, Father’s Day will serve as a grim and painful reminder to the thousands of families who’ve lost fathers, sons, and brothers over the last 12 months. Their grief will be magnified […]
Old Mutual name change
Clients who hold Old Mutual solutions will notice a change of name today as Old Mutual becomes “Quilter” This name change has been three years in the making, starting when Old Mutual Wealth’s parent company changed name to Quilter plc when it demerged from Old Mutual Wealth plc in June 2018. Over the last few […]
The Queen’s Speech
As financial planners, it’s important that we have a finely tuned radar that constantly sweeps the horizon for opportunities and threats to our clients financial well-being. Today’s Queen’s Speech whilst lacking the usual pomp and circumstance still provides some useful insight into likely future government policy: IMPROVING RIGHTS FOR RENTERS (Decreasing benefits for landlords?) The […]
Happy New Tax Year!
Today, 6th April marks the beginning of the new tax year and a brand new 365 days of tax planning opportunities! But why the 6th of April – it seems like a rather random date? Our tax year dates originate from when people in England were required to pay rent to their landlords quarterly on […]
Happy Easter!
It seems like far longer than one year since we last wished our clients a Happy Easter! Here’s hoping everyone has a Happy Easter and a great bank holiday weekend. We’ll be back on Tuesday to wish you all a Happy New Tax Year!s
Tax Year End
Tax Year End – 5th April 2021 It’s that time of the year again and what a year it’s been. We’re going to skip the usual reminders of bagging your Individual Savings Account allowances, banking your Capital Gains Tax allowances, utilising your annual Inheritance Tax gifting allowances and maximising the amazing annual income tax reliefs […]
Spring Budget 2021
Shortly after 12.30 this afternoon Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered his second budget to parliament. The Chancellor’s delivery of the budget to the House of Commons is largely ‘theatre’ with the real details being published in The Red Book by HM Treasury whilst the Chancellor speaks. Whilst the presentation of the budget was […]
Self Employed?
Self Employed? As it’s self-assessment day, we thought we publish some thoughts focused specifically on the nuances which face those of our clients with self-employment. Self Assessment Don’t forget today (31 January) is the day to complete and pay your tax bill, this year (2021) HMRC have said they won’t issue penalty notices for late […]
Financial Vulnerability Taskforce
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve joined the newly created Financial Vulnerability, another demonstration of our commitment to be a safe pair of hands for our clients at their time of need. The Financial Vulnerability Taskforce is a newly created independent representative body covering the Personal Finance Sector. Its ultimate purpose is to promote greater UNDERSTANDING, […]
Cryptocurrencies: regulator’s warning
Yesterday, 11th January, the Financial Conduct Authority (the UK’s financial regulator) issued a warning to consumers about the risks of investments which promise high returns based on underlying crypto assets. The warning used very uncomplicated language: “Investing in crypto-assets, or investments and lending linked to them, generally involves taking very high risks with investors’ money. […]
Happy New Year
2019 was dominated by political squabbling about BREXIT culminating in a general election allowing Boris to move into number 10. Most of us hadn’t heard of Wuhan. Early 2020 gave us a taste of the rollercoaster that was to come with a war of words between the Saudis and Russians over oil, the fallout being […]
Email Outage
We’ve been experiencing a much-degraded email service since 11.22 am Monday 14th December as a consequence of Alphabet Inc’s ongoing global infrastructure problem. If your matter is urgent please telephone us. Personal and Enterprise users of the Google suite of cloud solutions are being impacted in many countries across the world. Outages do happen, however, […]
Following clients of Beaufort Financial Plus Ltd who joined us last year, we’re delighted to welcome the clients of Beaufort Financial Planning (Mansfield) Ltd into Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd. Although Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd is a separate legal entity, from a practical view, nothing changes for these clients other than the company name. […]
Norton motorcycles pension scheme
Investment & Retirement Solutions Chartered Financial Planner Paul Corner has moonlighted for many years as an adviser to The Pensions Advisory Service and to The Pensions Ombudsman, helping to unravel and hopefully resolve complex pension disputes. Paul’s caseload predominantly involves SIPPs (Self Invested Personal Pensions) and SSAS (Small Self Administered Schemes); however, yesterday (24 June […]
Happy Fathers Day
Every year, special days expose frayed emotions for families for whom the special day will never be the same. This year, more than most, Father’s Day will serve as a grim and painful reminder to the thousands of families who’ve lost fathers, sons, and brothers over the last 12 months. Their grief will be magnified […]
Record UK borrowing
For the first time in 57 years, UK government borrowing (the national debt) exceeds the national gross domestic product (GDP) having reached a high of over £103,000,000,000, some 100.9% of UK GDP. Government statisticians predict that public sector borrowing hit £55.3billion in May, almost nine times more than in May 2019 and the highest level […]
COVID update: “COVID Secure”
In accordance with government guidance (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19) we have revised and updated our “COVID Secure” policies. For now, we are continuing our policy of NOT receiving visitors in any of our office locations. Visits to meet clients at their home or work premises remain suspended with all meetings being conducted via video-conferencing or by telephone. We […]
We’re offline today, but available on the telephone for anything urgent. Back tomorrow as usual
It’s a Boy!
Some of our clients will recall Simon, a Derby based IFA, turned North East Lincolnshire Fire Fighter. We’re delighted to share Simon’s news of the arrival of baby Joshua! Joshua made his debut at 22.35 last night (21st May), weighing in at a commendable 10lbs 13oz. Despite a few more trips to hospital in recent […]
UK borrows at negative rates
Today, the UK government has sold a bond (government gilt) with a negative yield. What does this mean? It means that the government is being paid to look after investors money, whilst the investors have agreed to get back a little less than they have lent to the government! Japan, Germany and some other European […]