Pressing Pause
This will be our last post on this website and on social media for a while. Time is our most precious commodity and COVID and the effects of COVID are consuming so much time that we’ve made a conscious decision to focus on what matters; our clients. As many of our clients know, we have […]
Unfortunately the Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd ‘great unlocking’ has had some unintended consequences as 30% of our independent financial advisers and 50% of our primary administration team have become obliged to self-isolate following NHS COVID 19 app “ping” notifications. As of Monday 26th July, our Head Office at Ransom Hall will not be attended […]
Reduced ‘Phone Cover Next Week
As many of our clients and professional connections know, some of our team have been working very long hours for seven days a week since the first lockdown – yes over twelve months of seven day weeks. Therefore we’re imposing some mandatory downtime for next week (w/c Bank Holiday Monday 31 May) to coincide with […]
Images on
We discovered yesterday that our website image optimisation software (the clever stuff which made our website pages load quickly) had started to conflict with other parts of meaning some visitors were unable to view our content. We’ve removed the offending tool and replaced it with a version that should offer better compatibility for all […]
Tax Year End
Tax Year End – 5th April 2021 It’s that time of the year again and what a year it’s been. We’re going to skip the usual reminders of bagging your Individual Savings Account allowances, banking your Capital Gains Tax allowances, utilising your annual Inheritance Tax gifting allowances and maximising the amazing annual income tax reliefs […]
One of those days
Various digital and cellular services we use are degraded today: Today, 10th March, the following services are degraded: O2 cellular network and the virtual networks built on O2 (downdector), including the Tesco mobile cellular network and the GiffGaff mobile cellular network Microsoft Teams suffered a major outage this morning between 0830 and 0930 but has since been […]
Paul C was trying to set a land-speed record on his bike this evening when a gang of potholes mugged him and threw his mobile ‘phone into the road, leaving the trusty phone to be run over several times before it was able to be recovered. Sadly, the ‘phone has not survived. A new ‘phone […]
Old Mutual Wealth Clients

Some of our clients have assets (investments & pensions) held with Old Mutual. Over recent months these clients, like us, have suffered degraded digital access to Old Mutual as planned engineering work has been conducted on their technology infrastructure. We have received notification from Old Mutual that this engineering work is nearing its conclusion and […]
Christmas Hours
Other than on the three statutory Bank Holidays, most of our team will be working to some extent over the festive period. DATE Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday 25 Monday 28 Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30 Thursday 31 Friday 1 Monday 4th AVAILABILITY Normal working day Normal working day Normal working day […]
We’ve done it

We’ve previously highlighted how challenging the Welsh Government’s lockdown travel restrictions proved to be for us to access the Rhos on Sea office, leading to the decision that we should relocate the Registered Office to our Head Office at Ransom Hall. We have completed the Registered Office relocation today; the Registrar of Companies, the Financial […]

In our post of 23rd June we gave advance notice of our intention to relocate our Registered Office as a consequence of the mismatch in lockdown ‘permitted travel rules’ between the Westminster government and Llywodraeth Cymru which severely challenged our ability to comply with our obligations under the Companies Act and from the Financial Services […]
Vulnerable Persons Policy
Today, 18th August 2020, Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd has published a slightly revised version of our Vulnerable Persons Policy. Our regulator, The Financial Conduct Authority explain vulnerability with the following statement: “A vulnerable consumer to be someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to detriment, particularly when a firm is not […]
COVID status update

We have undertaken another COVID Secure review. As part of our COVID Secure review we have noted that service levels from product & investment providers seem to be improving with many of our outstanding enquiries now being resolved. However, we understand that most of providers are only returning a skeleton staff to their office space […]
COVID Update

As lockdown restrictions become more relaxed across the three nations we continue to review our COVID Secure status. We know several of our clients and some of our team have suffered from the coronavirus. We know several clients and a member of our team have lost someone very close to them because of the coronavirus. […]
Our Registered Office

The origins of Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are found embedded along the North Wales coast. We remain totally committed to our roots, and more importantly our amazing clients from Chester to Holyhead (and all points in between). However, the reality is that most of our team and most of our clients are to be […]

We’re offline today, but available on the telephone for anything urgent. Back tomorrow as usual
Emergency Financial Advice has more press coverage

Great write up in about the Emergency Financial Advice initiative of which we’re proud to be a founder member. Read the article here from our link below and then get in touch with us if you’d like to know more.
COVID Update 6 April

Due to COVID-19 our offices are closed and we are not conducting physical meetings with clients. However, we still here, working from home, conducting client meetings by telephone and video conference. Contact us for more details.
COVID19 update

We believe it is only a matter of time, rather than if, the UK enters some form of lockdown to reduce the growth in the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. Many of our clients are “vulnerable” and we’ve already received news of the first confirmed client case of COVID19 (get well soon!!). We’ve therefore decided to […]