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Pressing Pause

This will be our last post on this website and on social media for a while.  Time is our most precious commodity and COVID and

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Unfortunately the Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd ‘great unlocking’ has had some unintended consequences as 30% of our independent financial advisers and 50% of our

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COVID Secure Meetings

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 12th July confirming “Freedom Day” and having had the opportunity to review the proposed guidance and rules published

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Freedom Day?

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced the intent for Step 4 of the easing of lockdown restrictions to be decided on 12th July, and if a

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Financial Planning
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Crypto Savings Rates

The Independent has reported that an individual claiming to represent the Anonymous hacking collective has accused billionaire Tesla owner Elon Musk of having liquidated dreams

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Cashflow Modelling
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What is cashflow planning?

What is cashflow planning? Cashflow planning is the process of looking at your current financial situation and planning ahead for the future. So whether you’re

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Armed Forces Covenant
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Reserves Day 2021

Investment & Retirement Solutions are proud of our Armed Forces Covenant and our Defence Employers Bronze Award, but most of all we’re proud to support

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Happy Fathers Day

Every year, special days expose frayed emotions for families for whom the special day will never be the same. This year, more than most, Father’s

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Live & Let Live

One of our core ethical beliefs is that equality is a fundamental human right that everyone in the world deserves. We interpret the idiom “live and let live” 

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Old Mutual name change

Clients who hold Old Mutual solutions will notice a change of name today as Old Mutual becomes “Quilter” This name change has been three years

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Getting Jabbed

Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are delighted to report that every member of our team has now received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination

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Financial Planning
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Second Opinion Service

We take advice when we know we lack the experience, competence or knowledge to make wise decisions ourselves. But how do we evaluate the quality

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Financial Planning
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Our Six Appeal

We love a play on words, but sadly can’t take all the credit for highlighting our six appeal, our friends at Vanguard Europe provided the

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Do they pay out?

As the Prime Minister’s lockdown road map creeps towards fruition we enter ‘reporting season’ in which the big insurers provide a performance update. The UK’s

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The Queen’s Speech

As financial planners, it’s important that we have a finely tuned radar that constantly sweeps the horizon for opportunities and threats to our clients financial

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Financial Planning
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Tokyo Stock Exchange

It’s nearly that time of the year where our Japanese friends enjoy their “Golden Week” holiday from 30 April until 5th May. Consequently, the Tokyo

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Will your pension last?

Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) has published a “Class of 2021” report, based on a survey of 2000 adults who plan to retire within 12 months.

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Earth Day 2021

Earth Day is a global annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes

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Images on

We discovered yesterday that our website image optimisation software (the clever stuff which made our website pages load quickly) had started to conflict with other

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M&G Property

M&G has announced today (20th April) the reopening of their property funds after 17 months of suspended trading. The funds are scheduled to become available

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mortgage guarantee scheme

Today, Monday 19th April, the government has launched its new mortgage guarantee scheme. The scheme is aimed at getting the one part of the market

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Cashflow Modelling
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What is cashflow planning?

What is cashflow planning? Cashflow planning is the process of looking at your current financial situation and planning ahead for the future. So whether you’re

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Happy New Tax Year!

Today, 6th April marks the beginning of the new tax year and a brand new 365 days of tax planning opportunities! But why the 6th

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Happy Easter!

It seems like far longer than one year since we last wished our clients a Happy Easter! Here’s hoping everyone has a Happy Easter and

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COVID update

On Thursday, the UK government approved the first stage of lockdown easing. “Step one” of the government’s lockdown easing schedule will formally begin on Monday

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Financial Planning
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Tax Year End

Tax Year End – 5th April 2021 It’s that time of the year again and what a year it’s been. We’re going to skip the

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One of those days

Various digital and cellular services we use are degraded today: Today, 10th March, the following services are degraded: O2 cellular network and the virtual networks

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Reflections: Daughters

Today was International Women’s Day – the annual global commemoration of the cultural, political, social and economic achievements of women, and, a day of focus

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Spring Budget 2021

Shortly after 12.30 this afternoon Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered his second budget to parliament. The Chancellor’s delivery of the budget to the

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Paul C was trying to set a land-speed record on his bike this evening when a gang of potholes mugged him and threw his mobile

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Going down?

Our article of 14th August 2020  was titled “Negative Interest Rates?” – one of our less ambiguous titles! In that article, we linked back to

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Minimum Pension Age

In our article of 30th September, we reminded readers of the 2014 government announcement that the access to schemes such as personal pensions would be

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Old Mutual Wealth Clients

Some of our clients have assets (investments & pensions) held with Old Mutual. Over recent months these clients, like us, have suffered degraded digital access

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Self Employed?

Self Employed? As it’s self-assessment day, we thought we publish some thoughts focused specifically on the nuances which face those of our clients with self-employment.

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Whilst our outlook for the latter part of 2021 remains very positive, like many readers of this COVID UPDATE we do have a sense of

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Happy New Year

2019 was dominated by political squabbling about BREXIT culminating in a general election allowing Boris to move into number 10. Most of us hadn’t heard

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The WHO playbook

Many of you let us know how you appreciated us giving some webspace to support the World Health Organisation’s “Mr Bean” public health messaging of

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Christmas Hours

Other than on the three statutory Bank Holidays, most of our team will be working to some extent over the festive period. DATE Monday 21

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Email Outage

We’ve been experiencing a much-degraded email service since 11.22 am Monday 14th December as a consequence of Alphabet Inc’s ongoing global infrastructure problem. If your

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“Good Divorce Week”

Many commentators have spoken of the social and mental pressures of “lockdown”, however, the concept of being in lockdown with someone you’re no longer compatible

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Cashflow Modelling
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Cashflow Modelling?

Financial confidence can have a hugely positive impact on lives. We wanted to share with you one of the methods we use to give individuals

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Reflections: Green Finance

Green finance is a thing, but what is it all about? We thought we’d share some reflections: Unless you’re a purist, “green finance” can generally be

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disability confident
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supporting Purple Tuesday

3rd November is Purple Tuesday 2020! What’s it all about?Purple Tuesday is a change programme for organisations of all sizes from all sectors to get

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Following clients of Beaufort Financial Plus Ltd who joined us last year, we’re delighted to welcome the clients of Beaufort Financial Planning (Mansfield) Ltd into

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Armed Forces
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Wearing our poppy

Due to the ongoing coronavirus restrictions, we’re not got going to be sat in front of clients and professional associates wearing our poppies this year.

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National Lockdown #2

This evening the Prime Minister has announced a national lockdown commencing on Thursday 5th November. At the time of writing our situation is: Head Office

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Rolls Royce

Investment & Retirement Solutions are proud to count a number of former and current Rolls Royce employees among our clients. Whilst our Rolls Royce clients

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Sovereign credit downgrades

Lost in last week’s excitement about arguments over the fish around the UK, the developing second coronavirus wave and the political power battle between Manchester

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COVID salary top-up scheme

The COVID-19 Job Support Scheme Speaking in the House of Commons, The Chancellor outlined the Job Support Scheme and more financial help for businesses this

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We’ve done it

We’ve previously highlighted how challenging the Welsh Government’s lockdown travel restrictions proved to be for us to access the Rhos on Sea office, leading to

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In our post of 23rd June we gave advance notice of our intention to relocate our Registered Office as a consequence of the mismatch in

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Red Card!

Spurious correlations? We spend a lot of time looking at numbers and the relationship between different sets of data, that’s part of our job. Sadly

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Financial Planning
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Turning Japanese?

It was back in 1980 when The Vapors released Turning Japanese. This article is not to answer the question “was Kirsten Dunst’s cover of Turning Japanese better?” (work

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Financial Planning
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Insure to protect

No one knows what is round the corner, which is why we think protecting yourself and your family against the worst is vitally important. But

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Armed Forces Covenant
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Life Cover & COVID

Insurers paid £90m in death claims when coronavirus was at its peak, according to the latest data from the Association of British Insurers. No amount

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Financial Planning
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Vulnerable Persons Policy

Today, 18th August 2020, Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd has published a slightly revised version of our Vulnerable Persons Policy. Our regulator, The Financial Conduct

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Tackling the Housing Crisis

Over recent months we’ve published a number of articles which explore different aspects of “property”, including “Nothing as safe as bricks and mortar“, “Property fund

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Armed Forces Covenant
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VJ Day

Whilst VE Day marked the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, many thousands of Armed Forces personnel were still involved in bitter

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COVID status update

We have undertaken another COVID Secure review. As part of our COVID Secure review we have noted that service levels from product & investment providers

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The other type of divorce

We often hear people talking about leaving the EU without acknowledging that the UK has already left the EU (31 January 2020) and that we’re

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Mounting Fears Hit UK Jobs

Gilt yields continued their decline during July, driven down by concerns over the prospect of a “second wave” of coronavirus cases. The yield on the

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Financial Planning
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Reflections: Powers of Attorney

We’re huge advocates for every adult to have Lasting Powers of Attorney covering their property and finances and their health and welfare. Whilst we’re competent

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The Summer Statement

On balance we think we did a pretty good job with our guesses about the content of the summer statement. Read our forecast here In

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Financial Planning
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Our review of Q2 2020

The second quarter of 2020 could not have been more different from the first. With welcome relief, the UK and the rest of the world

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Financial Planning
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Remember BREXIT?

With the last few months, and probably much of the coming months being dominated by the coronavirus we’ve spent some time thinking about other matters.

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COVID Update

As lockdown restrictions become more relaxed across the three nations we continue to review our COVID Secure status. We know several of our clients and

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2nd wave fears

We started 2020 predicting a ‘choppy year’ for investors as we left the EU and entered the transitional period; whilst Russia and Saudi Arabia fought

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Leicester Lockdown

As Leicester and Leicestershire go into our first large-scale local lockdown, we thought we’d shout “hi” to all our clients and a key member of

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The Summer Statement

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is due to deliver his summer statement next week. Economists from both sides of the political spectrum seem to share a consensus

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WHO Mr Bean

We wouldn’t usually host material from other organisations on our website, but the World Health Organisation is just “another organisation.” Whilst the following messaging is

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Our Registered Office

The origins of Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd are found embedded along the North Wales coast. We remain totally committed to our roots, and more

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Armed Forces
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Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day 2020 falls on Saturday 27th June. What’s it about? Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men

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Happy Fathers Day

Every year, special days expose frayed emotions for families for whom the special day will never be the same. This year, more than most, Father’s

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Record UK borrowing

For the first time in 57 years, UK government borrowing (the national debt) exceeds the national gross domestic product (GDP) having reached a high of

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COVID update: “COVID Secure”

In accordance with government guidance ( we have revised and updated our “COVID Secure” policies. For now, we are continuing our policy of NOT receiving

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It’s a Boy!

Some of our clients will recall Simon, a Derby based IFA, turned North East Lincolnshire Fire Fighter. We’re delighted to share Simon’s news of the

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Armed Forces
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COVID update – VE DAY

VE DAY +75 To provide greater access during the COVID lockdown, we’re manning our ‘phones and video-chat facilities until late afternoon today, the VE DAY

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Armed Forces
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VE Day +75

We presume every UK family will have been touched by the impact of WW2 to some extent. On the 75th anniversary of the cessation of

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Investment & Retirement Solutions Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Registered in England & Wales (6884783) at Ransom Hall, Ransom Wood, Nottinghamshire, NG21 0HJ

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